Amy DeVoogd recently created a series of illustrations for the Ask Teri column of the Wall Street Journal. In the column, fashion reporter Teri Agins answers readers’ fashion and style questions.  Amy worked with Art Directors Ron Plyman and Pete Hausler for this project.

About Amy DeVoogd
Amy DeVoogd is an illustrator based in Chicago. Her illustrations have appeared in publications such as The New York Times, The Progressive, and the Wall Street Journal. Her advertising clients include Band London (IFPI Digital Music Report), Beardwood & Co. (Pfizer), and DeVito/Verdi (Daffy’s). Her last name is pronounced: deh-‘vogued (its Dutch). Amy is represented by Mendola Artists Representatives.

More work by Amy DeVoogd can be seen at

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd

©Amy DeVoogd