
Yesterday a student from the class previous to mine gave us our first look at how a tractor/trailer pre-trip inspection is done. There are quite a bit of names and jargon to remember. The inspection is broken down into six areas:

  • Engine compartment
  • Driver’s door fuel area
  • Trailer
  • Coupling
  • Lights
  • In-cab inspection

Each area has several parts that must be pointed out and identified, with a specific set of jargon related to the part. As a requirement for getting a CDL, students have to pass a pre-trip inspection in which all parts have to be memorized verbatim. For example, when identifying hoses you’re expected to mention that they are “properly mounted and secured on both ends, they have no abrasions, bulges, or cuts, and they aren’t leaking (air or fluid)”.

Fortunately, for any part that’s made of rubber or is flexible, the same set jargon can be repeated. To further aid memorization, we use acronyms like ‘PMS’ (properly mounted and secured) and ‘ABC’ (abrasions, bulges, or cuts). But the bigger challenge is remembering the names of all parts belonging to each area. There are many, so developing a memorable flow or order of inspection is important so nothing is left out during the exam.

The ink drawing here is a first exercise in memorizing the jargon used during the pre-trip vehicle inspection.

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The post Chicago dog walker appeared first on David Otto.