In this Artist Feature, the Directory of Illustration would like to share the adventurous and fantastic work of Robin Davies.
Robin started his illustration career in the mid 1980’s. Working as a freelance graphic designer, one of his illustrations caught the eye of the art director at Ladybird Books who thought Robin’s style might suit Mattel’s upcoming “Masters of the Universe” series. After a couple of sample illustrations with Mattel toys to use as reference, Ladybird and Mattel approved the work and hired him to illustrate the books. The rest, as they say, is history.
Since then, Robin has gone on to illustrate books for several leading publishers over the years, including a great many Thomas the Tank Engine storybooks for Egmont Publishing. “I feel very fortunate to have my career as an illustrator. I love doing what I do, and continually strive to make the next project better than the previous one.” – Robin Davies