WORK SHOWCASE: Christian Dellavedova

This week, the Directory of Illustration highlights work from Christian Dellavedova, represented by António Adrião Artist Representative (AAARep).


Illustrator: Christian Dellavedova

Client: Punk-rock band PUNKREAS

Agent: AAA Rep

From the Artist: “Creation of a punk-themed graphic illustration for the punk-rock band Punkreas, formed in Milan on year 1989.

For the creation of the group album cover, we were inspired by the graphic style of the American illustrator Frank Kozik, one of the pioneers of poster art, responsible for revitalizing the stagnant world of the illustrated poster in the 90s of the last century.

Kozik’s cartoony and colorful style, which often uses animals within his simple and direct posters and lettering, gave us the idea for the album’s graphics which the Universal Music label immediately liked.

For the idea to be used as a concept for the cover we immediately decided to choose the cat as the main subject, in fact in the now classic cult Matrix it represented Déjà-Vu as a system error and fracture in the pre-established program. Being a Punk-Rock band, the subject was immediately in tune with the topic and themes covered by the band on their new album.

Further inspiration was given to us by the poster art and by a previous band’s idea where two siamese twins were used. So we decided to use a two-headed cat that gets shocked to represent electricity and the charge of the record: electric and without frills.”

For more examples of Christian Dellavedova’s work, explore his portfolio links below.
