WORK SHOWCASE: Christian Dellavedova

This week, the Directory of Illustration highlights work from Christian Dellavedova represented by António Adrião Artist Representative (AAARep).


Illustrator: Christian Dellavedova

Client: L’Espresso Magazine

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: “Keeping an Art Director updated with my normal work as well with personal projects and illustrations, sometimes unexpected, wonderful things, do happen. Like the call from the Art Director of the Italian magazine L’Espresso, Stefano Cipolla, asking me about using  one of my personal illustrations for an article about the American writer, Howard Phillips Lovecraft. We both agreed that the portrait from my series “ukulele portraits” was a wonderful representation of the weird and crazy world of one of the masters of horror literature. He just asked me to make a very minor adjustment to the original piece and we were set to go. It was a wonderful feeling.”

For more examples of Christian Dellavedova’s work, explore his portfolio links below.
