Geo Parkin Thieving Monkey Beer Label

This week, the Directory of Illustration highlights work from Geo Parkin, represented by António Adrião Artist Representative (AAARep).


Geo Parkin Kamba

Illustrator: Geo Parkin

Client: Kamba

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: Kamba is a card game created by a games company that I’ve worked with on numerous projects over the last few years, although this one was the biggest yet. The game-play is partly based on short, three-word tongue-twisters and I was required to produce 52 card illustrations depicting the tongue twisters in question. The client largely handed the visuals over to me – which is the sort of minimal brief I love – so it was a terrific opportunity to let my imagination rip and create some truly bizarre and surreal images. The images shown illustrated the line ’Sink Snack Stack’, ‘Gnome Flown Home’, ‘Hip Hop Hog’, ‘Ruth’s Red Roof’, ‘Black Bug’s Blood’ and ‘Who Chews Shoes?’ (which flagrantly references Hopper’s ‘Nighthawks’).”

Illustrator: Geo Parkin

Client: The Strange Planet – Poster Art

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: A musician friend of mine in Glastonbury, who I had previously designed album cover artwork for, had formed a new band called The Strange Planet, and needed a poster to publicize gigs. To me the name immediately suggested something a bit Sci-Fi / Comic Book, which my friend liked the sound of and told me to go ahead. If only all jobs were so straightforward! I avoided any crucial detail in the lower portion of the image so that a text panel could be overlaid with details of the shows. The whole band were very happy with the image although the drummer was disappointed that his own kit seemed pretty dull compared to the one I’d invented for him on the poster!”

Geo Parkin Fred & Lorena

Illustrator: Geo Parkin

Client: Fred & Lorena’s Wedding (Private Commission)

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: This piece was another enjoyable private commission. The son of one of my skiing buddies was getting married to his Mexican girlfriend Lorena and they wanted a wedding image to use across invitations, party bags, napkins, seating-plan cards, the lot! They had a vague idea of the kind of image they wanted – themselves in full-wedding-rig on a tandem crossing from London to Oaxaca, where the ceremony was to be held – but they were not sure if it was visually feasible. I assured them it was. I managed to include everything they asked for, and then some. As it was for friends and it wasn’t too urgent, I probably went the extra mile on this one but the couple were delighted with the outcome and I believe prints of the image now adorn the walls of most of their friends and relations in Mexico!”

Geo Parkin Thieving Monkey Beer Label

Illustrator: Geo Parkin

Client: Thieving Monkey Beer Label

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: I’ve been working with the award-winning  Brighton Indian restaurant The Chilli Pickle for several years, designing posters, ads, labels, packaging and even an online comic strip relating the story behind the restaurant. The labels up to this point had been for their wonderful pickles, chutneys and sauces so I got very excited when the owners told me they were releasing their own beer and would need a suitable label for the bottle. I was even involved in brainstorming a name for the brew, which threw up all sorts of hilarious possibilities. The name we finally went for was Thieving Monkey, the relevance of which anyone who has visited India as a tourist will immediately understand. I sketched up a number of versions of the label before we narrowed it down to the final design, showing our light-fingered primates toasting their latest acquisitions. It remains a favorite piece of mine.”

For more examples of Geo’s work, explore his portfolio (linked below).
