WORK SHOWCASE: Peter O. Zierlein

This week, the Directory of Illustration highlights work from Peter O. Zierlein (POZ) represented by António Adrião Artist Representative (AAARep).


Illustrator: Peter O. Zierlein

Client: Public Work for Western Massachusetts

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: “During the pandemic I submitted this design to paint on an electric utility box in Amherst, Massachusetts. This is one of several electric utility boxes I painted in Boston and towns in Western Massachusetts. I am a big supporter of the idea to paint drab industrial hardware in order to beautify the city and townscape and initiated PAINT THIS BOX!, an effort to get electric utility boxes painted by artists in Northampton MA, my hometown. It brings art to the public and doubles as a great advertisement for local artists. I stenciled my image using foam rollers and spray-paint.”

For more examples of Peter O. Zierlein’s work, explore his portfolio links below.
