WORK SHOWCASE: Anna Godeassi

The Directory of Illustration is excited to highlight a project from Italian illustrator Anna Godeassi.

Anna Godeassi Sempre 25 Novembre

Artist: Anna Godeassi

Client: Sorgenia

Project: Sempre 25 Novembre

Agency: Rapp Art

ABOUT THE PROJECT: “Sorgenia, Italy’s first digital energy company, has stood alongside women since 2018, actively campaigning against gender-based violence, with the #sempre25novembre project.

In 2018 and 2019, we worked with the La Grande Casa non-profit organisation, giving practical support to women coming out of situations of violence. The first year, we ran programmes to help them remember their human and professional value, and the second year, we provided lighting for 23 shelters for a year.

We want the current debate and focus on the issue of gender-based violence to be a topic for broader discussion, particularly among young people, because we believe that young people and their ideas represent the energy we need to build a safe, sustainable future for all.

The Sempre 25 Novembre project is a collection of ten podcasts telling the stories of ten women who escaped from situations of violence and how they recovered.

All the stories are assembled and edited with the support of the La Sapienza University of Rome, the La Grande Casa social cooperative and the Parole O_Stili association.

Each story is accompanied by a specially commissioned artwork by Anna Godeassi, who brings the stories to life with her vibrant, impassioned illustrations.

The ten stories will be published in an e-book, to be launched on 25 November 2021, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Anna Godeassi likes to say she was born with a paint brush in her hand and her passion has never waned. She attended the IED in Milan, before launching her freelance illustration career. She works with advertising, web and video agencies, magazines and daily papers such as La Repubblica, The New York Times, Ilsole24ore, The Boston Globe, The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair, Donna Moderna, Gioia, Grazia, Cosmopolitan, IoDonna, Psychologies, Traveller.

Explore more work by Anna Godeassi through the portfolio links below.

Agency Website