This week, the Directory of Illustration highlights work from Geo Parkin, represented by António Adrião Artist Representative (AAARep).


Illustrator: Geo Parkin

Client: Self-Promotion

Agent: AAA Rep

FROM THE ARTIST: One of the publishing projects I worked on in 2021 was a science primer that outlined the achievements of 100 notable scientists from history, from Pythagoras all the way through to Stephen Hawking. My job was to provide portraits of all one hundred, in as consistent a style as possible. It was an enjoyable, if somewhat epic, project.

In the course of the job I developed a suitable style for the work that was somewhat different to my usual output so I decided to produce a few more pieces in a similar vein featuring contemporary figures, to add to my portfolio.

The portrait shown is of the tragically short-lived Soul, Blues and Jazz singer/songwriter Amy Winehouse. Remembered these days almost as much for her dysfunctional lifestyle and substance abuse as her music, I preferred to portray her in her relatively healthy, Back To Black-era heyday.”

For more examples of Geo’s work, explore his portfolio (linked below).
